Global Scholars Certificate Program Registration

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What is the Global Scholars Certificate Program?
The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia’s Global Scholars Certificate Program is an exciting opportunity open to all 11-12 grade students across the greater Philadelphia region. This free certificate program is designed to highlight any student who has exemplified cross-cultural awareness and understanding.  The experience concludes with the creation of a Capstone Project that focuses on a global topic of the scholar’s choosing.
Global Scholars Registration

Note: This program is intended for high school upperclassmen

Please provide an additional email that is not connected to your school

Global Scholars Faculty Guide
World Affairs asks that each applicant to the Global Scholars provide a Faculty Guide to attest to a student's qualifications in their application to the program, as well as provide support to enrolled students with their capstone project.  NOTE: This support role should be a teacher or parent (teacher preferred) and will be copied on all communications for applications and enrollment into the Global Scholars Certificate program.

Global Scholars Faculty Guide Information

Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.

This can be a cell or work phone number. DO NOT LIST THE STUDENT APPLICANT'S NUMBER
Global Scholars Information Session
World Affairs will be holding virtual information sessions about the Global Scholars Certificate program.  These sessions will provide additional information about the program, as well as provide an opportunity to answer any questions about the Global Scholars Certificate Program.  We strongly encourage student applicants to attend one of the virtual information sessions through Zoom.

Global Scholars  Application Next Steps
This initial enrollment for Global Scholars application will be open until November 15th, 2024. This application does not guarantee acceptance into the Global Scholars Certificate program.

Upon completing this application, students will receive an online form from the Director of Education, High Schools, to submit their student portfolios.  Portfolios will include your capstone project topic choice, transcripts, and documentation showing students have met the Global Scholars Certificate program criteria. This form will be sent directly to the email provided in this form after this application period has closed on November 15th.  Student portfolios submissions will be accepted between November 15th, 2024 and January 15th, 2025 at 5:00pm.  

All submitted student portfolios will be under review through March 12th.  Final student eligibility and acceptance into the Global Scholars Certificate program will be announced no later than March 12th, 2025 through direct email communication. 

Upon acceptance into the program student will prepare and present their capstone presentations on a global topic of their choosing.  Capstone presentations will be held in person in late April, on a specific date and time to be announced soon.

If you have any questions about the next steps process for the Global Scholars Certificate program, please reach out to Geoffrey Quinn, Director of Education, High Schools, at or 267-802-1225.